Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Stolen toy

Cobi's person: On the way home from a walk at Dallas Road we stopped at Pet's Life. We're going to visit a new puppy tonight belonging to some friends, so I was looking for a "new baby" gift. I selected a "stuffingless" raccoon. Jacobi has two of these toys. One is a squirrel, the other is a skunk. She loves them.

So I picked out the raccoon for Guinnie, a 10 week old golden retriever. 

I knew Jacobi would be interested in this toy, so I balled it up and snuck it into the car, with a treat in my other hand as a distraction. I wrapped the toy in my hoodie, and put that under a towel in the front passenger seat. I then popped into another store to buy chicken.

When I returned two minutes later, Jacobi was sitting in her usual place in the back seat, watching me through the window. The towel seemed undisturbed. Good dog.

I got into the car and started driving home. As soon as we pulled out of the parking lot and into traffic I heard SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK from the back seat.

Yes, she had the toy.

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